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    • #18364 Reply

      I appreciate that such crucial questions as “How does the development of new technologies affect changes in the labour market? What is the new trend in the labour market ‘womenomics’ about?” are covered. I do miss more considerations on working conditions for the low-paid and less powerful in the labour market and what could be the answer of trade unions to these developments in Europe.

    • #20115 Reply

      This course made a point that the labour market is constantly evolving and we must keep up to succeed. Agreed, it is good not to be rigid. But with this idea comes a chasing, hustling lifestyle and the risk of exhaustion. I’d love to see the link between the rapidly changing market and the psychological diseases we are facing in our modern societies. This is a point not to be missed! And it goes hand in hand with what Jean mentioned in her comment, too.
      In line with that, the course stated, “Nowadays, this situation has changed dramatically – employees focus less on stability and more on development and high flexibility, which also translates into frequent changes in the workplace.”
      Again, this is pointing towards less stability, more challenge, and the feeling of uncertainty which may lead to anxiety, burn-out etc.

    • #20131 Reply

      Also, I liked that you considered the role of women. It was said “Despite the emphasised importance of quotas, they are still culturally and socially relegated to the fringes of the labour market and forced to work under employment conditions inferior to those of men. However, due to their growing participation in the labour market, they are breaking imperceptibly, through a ‘side door’, so to speak, to managerial, decision-making positions, and will probably gradually change the shape of hiring policies.”

      However, other “isms” apart from sexism are not mentioned!

    • #20203 Reply

      The module provided a good general overview of the topic and also brought some insights to think of. I like the methodological part which can be easily used with my learners. Thanks a lot!

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