Job Guarantee as a solution to involuntary unemployment
EU countries have sophisticated labour policies, yet the problem of involuntary unemployment persists and causes further social and psychosocial challenges.
A group of economists related to the Modern Money Theory (MMT) proposes a new instrument for involuntary unemployment: A Job Guarantee for every citizen willing to work. For this purpose, a secondary market coordinated by governmental agencies and social NGOS will be created, with jobs adapted to the needs and skills of unemployed people. This market will consist primarily of care and community jobs and jobs in the environmental sector. The program is inspired by the US-American New Deal of the 1930s, by an Indian program to tackle unemployment in the rural areas and by an Argentinian program to battle post-crisis unemployment in 2002, but differs from all of them.
Author: Dr. Ewa Dabrowska, weltgewandt e.V., Berlin / DE